Imam Imran Sulaiman al-Azhari is a graduate of Jamia al-Karam, Al-Azhar University and Cambridge Muslim College. He studied translation at The American University In Cairo and completed a PGCE at The University of Derby. He is a former voluntary chaplain at Leicester College and occasionally serves as an imam. Imam Imran is an interfaith consultant who is involved in various initiatives within schools, colleges, places of worship, and the civil service. Furthermore, he is a Shari'ah consultant who additionally provides translation services.
A graduate from Helwan University in Cairo, Shaykha Shaimaa taught translation studies at The American University in Cairo. She furthered her studies at De Montfort Unniversity, completing an MA in Inter-religious Relations. She attained ijazahs from several Azhari shuyukh*, particularly in the 10 qir'a'aat and classical Arabic-related Islamic sciences. Moreover, Shaykha Shaimaa received a diploma in chaplaincy at Markfield Institute of Higher Education. She is currently serving as voluntary chaplain at HMP Leicester, having previously served as the female Muslim chaplain at Leicester College. Additionally she is involved in various interfaith initiatives within schools, colleges, and places of worship.
* Ijazahs: Tuhfatul Atfaal, al-Muqaddima al-Jazariya, As-Salsabil ash-Shaafi' fi' ilm at-tajweed, ash-Shatibiya, ad-Durra al-Mudi'a, Al-Ajrumiya, Mulhatul I'raab, Al-Azhariya fi an-Nahw, Qawa'id al-I'raab, Qatr an-Nada', Shudhur adh-Dhahab, ash-Shabrawiya, al-Unmuzaj by az-Zamakhshari, Risala fi' I'raab Ja'a Zayd (Mufti Ahmad ibn Zayni ad-Dahlan, mufti of Makkah, d.1886), Alfiya Ibn Malik, al-Balagha al-Wadiha, al-Arba'een an-Nawawiya, Thulathiyat al-Bukhari, al-Fiqh alal Madhahib al-Arba'a (Islamic Jurisprudence According To The Four Sunni Schools), Bidayatul Mujtahid (The Distinguished Jurists' Primer - ongoing).
Shuyukh studied with and gained ijazahs from:
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