Mubarak Institute is an organisation run by Moulana Imran Sulaiman and Shaykha Shaimaa El Metwally
Allah uses the word "mubarak" to describe the first place of worship established on earth. The purpose of human creation is to worship and submit oneself to God. Hence, the first duty of our forefather prophet Adam was to establish a place of prayer. Allah blessed the ka'bah and its surroundings. It is the focal point of prayer for Muslims around the globe and is spiritually connected to the ka'bah of the seventh heaven (or universe) known as al-baytul ma'mur (the frequented abode), where 70,000 angels visit daily.
God describes the Qur'an itself as mubarak on four occasions, (6:92 &155; 21:50; 37:29) i.e. blessed and full of blessing, a scripture that confirms the divine authorship of whatever was revealed before it, and whose commands must be followed in order to receive divine mercy in both worlds.
When Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was fleeing the city of Makka due to persecution and assassination attempts on his life, he migrated to the oasis city of Madinah. Enroute this 10-day desert journey, he stopped to rest at the tent of Umm Ma'bad. Although the meeting was brief, Umm Ma'bad was breath taken by the internal and external beauty of Muhammad. When her husband returned and was amazed to be offered milk by his wife from a goat whose udders had dried up due to weakness, Umm Ma'bad explained:
لا والله إلا أنه مرّ بنا رجل مبارك
A "mubarak" (blessed) man passed by
Umm Ma'bad remarked that Prophet Muhammad had blessed the goat with his beautiful hands, due to whose touch, God enabled the goat to produce milk..
The night on which the Qur'an was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad is also described as divinely blessed (44:3).
Those devoted to doing good amongst the descendants of Ibrahim (Abraham) via his two sons Ishmael and Isaac, were blessed (37:113).
Allah describes the valley via which He communicated with Prophet Musa (Moses) as blessed (28:30).
God declares that He blessed the vicinity (Syro-Palestine or the Levant) of Masjid Al-Aqsa (17:1 & 21:81)
When Isa Jesus miraculously spoke in the cradle to defend the honour of his noble mother Maryam (Mary), he stated: “God has made me blessed (and a means of His blessings for people) wherever I may be..." (19:31)
The olive tree is described in the Qur'an (24:35) as well as by Prophet Muhammad as "a blessed tree".
Upon the birth of his cousin Abdullah ibn Abbas, Prophet Muhammad prayed that Allah make him mubarak (blessed). Ibn Abbas thus went on to become one of the greatest scholars amongst the prophetic companions, despite his young age.
Abdullah ibn Mubarak (d.797CE) is one of the greatest ascetics and Hadith scholars in the history of Islam.
The first known British Muslim to pen a detailed account of hajj (pilgrimage) is Hedley Churchward (d.1929CE). He chose the name Mahmoud Mubarak.
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